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What We Do is
Create a Smile with an
Electronic Press Release Kit









Your Electronic Press Release

Recall a true story that relates to your CD, book or artwork.  It can be humorous, sad or life changing, but helps to deliver the message or idea of the product.

Business Electronic Ptress Release

Describe the product. Connect it to the story. For example, explain how the song and story impacted your life. Did you write or sing it because of the loss of a loved one? 

Video Production of Your EPK

Play a small excerpt of the song or video.  Allow the receiver to get a sample of what the product is.  This can be essential to its acceptance or rejection.

A Short Bio Tells Your Story

Include a short, concise bio.  Some include place of birth and education.  What motivated you into getting into music, writing or designing.  It is a mini inside look of yourself.

Roman Sculpture
Sitting on Sand at the Beach

 Come Above . . . Get your electronic press release kit ready!

Send us a short story consisting of seven (7) or eight (8) sentences, three (3) or four ( 4) images, a short video of your perfomance and short bio.  Once payment is made, upload all elements.
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