Dr. Mamie Smith
Live radio interviews are key elements of the EPK of Dr. Mamie Smith. It also focuses on career highlights, media features and accolades.
She says: "Since childhood, I have used classical music to get me through the hard times: career failures, loneliness, lost relationships and numerous other hardships. However, nothing knocked me off-balance more than the death of my daughter Meta Rose. It was a time of extreme grief and guilt.
Music was there to lift me, carrying me across the stormy seas of life and giving me the strength to rise above the mountain tops of despair. As an educator, I taught music to children . . . then found myself walking into a studio in the twilight of my life and recording my first CD. I actually did it! You can too. . ."

As a talk show host, live radio interviews
allowed me to listen to pain and suffering
many people around the world were carrying.
And suddenly ...my life experiences
seem small compared to theirs.
CD: You Raise Me Up

"You Raise Me Up" is played on Indie Radio and TV Network worldwide. Listeners can enjoy words that give them a "boost" in life. You can be one of them. Dr. Smith's album "Joys of Christmas" is played on all live radio interviews during the Christmas season.



Radio Can Be Inspiring!
Mingling with Motown Vandella

Dr. Smith & Motown Flutist
Dayna Hardwick
Classical Music with Dr. Smith
Music Touches All . . .
Dr. Mamie Smith spent many years lifting up children. She taught vocal music to thousands of children across America and on Okinawa, Japan. As a classical artist, she was fortunate to perform in numerous choirs, operas, churches and became guest soloist for military churches on Okinawa. It is not unusual for her to be stopped on the streets of Detroit and hear, “Hi Dr. Smith! Remember me? You taught me at (name of school)!” or to be notified by a Facebook person who remembers her as the vocal teacher. Some of her students have made successful musical careers in New York.
One day late in life, a well-known saxophonist who gave live radio interviews, asked her to share her story. That experience led to her getting her own show.
You see… not only did Dr. Mamie teach vocal technique and polish the human voice, she also taught basic core values like discipline, hard work, honesty and responsibility. It is these attributes that pave the way for social and moral success. It does not matter which profession or skill-set you choose, basic core values should be used for positive, societal growth and development.